Wow! This is a very exciting opportunity!
We are thrilled to announce that all Theatre Bugs & Adelaide Theatre academy students and their families are invited to join our GIANT CHOIR and perform as part of the FLOODS OF FIRE Festival which is led by the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, presented in collaboration with Adelaide Festival, and The University of Adelaide in celebration of its 150th anniversary.
Theatre Bugs & Adelaide Theatre Academy will be performing ODE TO A KOALA as a GIANT CHOIR.
We will sing two songs from our acclaimed production of Koala Bob is On The Loose which we performed with the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra in 2022.
Floods of Fire is a two-day festival within a festival, which celebrates the creativity and stories of people living in South Australia. Floods of Fire is one of the largest collaborations in South Australia’s history between citizens, artists, scientists, communities and partner organisations.
This is an absolutely wonderful opportunity to share a tremendous family experience together and create beautiful memories which will last a life time. And, it’s completely FREE to participate. We just want to share an awesome experience with our Theatre Bugs families.
Saturday March 16th at 2.00pm
The Barr Smith Lawns,
University of Adelaide, Victoria Drive
(opposite the university footbridge over the River Torrens)
Formal invitations and full details about the event will be sent by email and class notices during the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, please feel free to join our Ode To A Koala Facebook page to be kept up to date with the latest information.